Youth Ministry

For all Youth/Confirmation forms, please visit our Religious Education Registration Forms

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Second Weekend of Every Month at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday at Mass
Please come and join us!

If you really want your life centered on Jesus ... 

Every second weekend of the month, is the Youth Weekend Mass at St. Matthew come and join us.

There are new songs and great music. Our youth group participates in the Mass as readers, altar servers, gift bearers, and ushers. All are welcome at this Mass, no matter the age. You can participate at Youth Mass and learn more about our Catholic faith by being apart of the ministries at Mass. If you’re interested in being a reader, usher, musician, altar server or Eucharistic minister, talk to Alicia Quintero our Youth Minister at (951) 272-3520 or

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Right now we are looking for young members in our parish that would like to participate in some of the Mass Ministries once a month.  That's right just one time every thirty days.  That's not too hard and being involved in the Mass makes it come alive.  We need Readers and Commentators (that's the person who does the announcements and the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass), Altar Servers, of course, young people interested in Music Ministry - singing and/or playing an instrument - and Eucharistic Ministers (you must be Confirmed for this).

If you are interested, please contact the Youth Ministry Office at (951) 272-3520 or We'd love to have your help.


The Day in the Life of a Priest

Have you ever wondered what priests do when they are not at church saying Mass?  Let Fr. John Muir tell you all about it.


Are you interested in being a Catholic sister? Click here to find out.

Could I be a Sister?  Are you interested in Religious Life?






On Bullying

Bishop Gerald Barnes has expressed a concern over the growing prevalence of mistreatment among young people by their peers. His message concerning bullying in our society can be seen here.

 A message from Bishop Gerald Barnes