Social Concerns Ministry

St. Matthew Social Concerns Ministry - The Social Concerns Ministry seeks to integrate the Social Justice teaching of the Church with the surrounding community by affirming the human dignity of every person.

We meet the 3rd Thursday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in Room 2 at the Parish Center.  You are welcome to join us anytime. Call Maria Macabales (951) 264-6644 for more information or questions.


The Social Concerns Ministry seeks to invigorate the community and the parish.  The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has identified seven key themes of Catholic Social Teaching: Life and dignity of the human person; Call to family, community and participation; Rights and responsibilities; Option for the poor and vulnerable; Dignity of work and the rights of workers; Solidarity and Care for God's creation.

The following are ways we put social concerns into practice in our parish and community.  Join us.

  • Inviting parishioners to write letters of gratitude to members of the military
  • Organizing used jeans collections for migrant workers in the Coachella Valley
  • Offering voter registration to parishioners after Mass
  • Welcoming Refugees Project
  • Coordinating with "Inspire Life Skills" to conduct a paper goods drive for former Foster Youth
  • Practice Random Acts of Kindness (each lent)
  • Participate in Stations of the Cross (during lent)
  • Participate in the Relay for Life (during May)
  • Participate with the Corona-Norco Interfaith Association