The St. Matthew Men's Club is looking for a few good men to join our ranks. The Men's Club was founded on faith, fellowship and fun for the men of St. Matthew Parish. It is a casual ministry of men using their time, talents and skills to support the needs of the Parish.
Through the annual Lent Season Fish Fry, a parish tradition since 1992, the Club raises funds and supports many projects for the parish.
We meet on the 2nd Friday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center for dinner and fellowship. Please stop by and introduce yourself. A good time will be had. For more information, please contact Brian Kelly
Some of the Men's Club past and current projects include: painted Parish Center and classrooms, installed curb in the Parish Center grass area, purchased back-up wireless phones, provided new DVD, TV's, projectors and computer for Religious Education classrooms, furnisher altar server robes, sponsored altar server Thank You Day (bowling, baseball games, and laser tag), helped youth retreats and summer Bible School, donated funds for the Church outdoor electronic sign, sponsored pull-tab booth at Summerfest and Octoberfest.
Lent Fish Fry hosted by the Men and Women's Clubs